My bad...

I haven't been able to update this motherfucker cause...
1) My camera broke about 2 months ago and found it couldn't be fixed because of severe corrosion damage. Fuck Best Buy and their crappy warranties and fuck the Geek Squad for being a bunch of derelict assholes.

2) When I did replace my camera 2 weeks ago, my laptop miraculously broke.

I know you're all devastated because my blog hasn't been updated in months and have all entered deep states of depression, but hopefully, I'll get this shit crackin again. Hang in there, Diane. You can take out your frustrations on your local Geek Squadron with your fists, that's what I've been doing on my days off.

Also, if anyone has any electronic devices that need to be broken, I'm available. I can break any electronic device just by looking at it...with mind bullets. That's telekinesis, Kyle.


Anonymous said…
I fuckin' love your blog. Please keep posting.
Anonymous said…
dude got to go to circut city not fucking best buy
Anonymous said…
Glad your bloggin again. Or in 3l173 speak:

gL@d y0u12 Bl0gG1n 4g41n

Me hungry now.
Anonymous said…
Stupid open ID, putting my blog name as my name. My name's not Mustard Seed. It's Jack Stephens! And don't you forget it Open ID computer machine-thingy!

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